I sprang out of bed at 6am this morning and immediately went to look out a window. I was excitedly anticipating our highly anticipated, much predicted snow. All of the middle Tennessee counties went ahead and closed the schools in anticipation of the snow (no I am not kidding). There was absolutely nothing on the ground, not even a flake of snow anywhere to be seen when I looked out my window this morning. What a disappointment that was! I do enjoy a nice snow day or two a year.
It did finally start to flurry later in the morning, and it kept it up off and on until early afternoon. Our total accumulation . . . . drum roll please . . . . was about a quarter of an inch. Yes, a quarter inch of snow closed the schools, kept people from work, and the schools are closed again on Friday. The roads are actually pretty bad in places. It was a very wet snow as it was just barely below freezing, and as the temperature dropped after dark the roads got icy. Since we have minimal ability to salt and plow that means most of the roads have had no help, ours included.
I was hoping for a little more snow just to have something to play in, and to make this weather seem more fun and less unbearable. We had a heat wave yesterday with a high of 34 degrees, so we will miss setting our record. To be honest that makes me mad and I feel like I have been shortchanged. These last six days have been awful and I think I deserve to be part of a new record!! Apparently the last time we had more than seven days in a row below freezing was sometime in the 1940’s, I can’t remember which year exactly. Thanks to yesterday’s “heat wave” we were only below freezing for five days in a row and will not get our record. I am whole heartedly looking forward to next week when the high’s will be back in the 40’s and some of our lows will not even be under freezing. That will be much more normal for us!
Below are all of my snow pictures from today, such as they are. Not a lot of snow but enough that I felt the need to take a slew of snow pictures. I did see one horse in a shelter today, Ivan, but I didn’t get a chance to take his picture before he walked out of the run-in. It was actually pleasant while the flurries came down, no wind and of course it is always very quiet when it snows. I enjoyed wandering the pastures and taking pictures. I just wish there had been more snow!
B-Rad and Winston

No snow cover at all in some places
Bugle heading down to the barn
Sebastian walking past my arena
Asterik in front of the arena
Bush and Bella following me up the steps
Sky and Lexi hanging out while the snow came down
Norman standing in the snow flurries, turning around to make sure I wasn’t going to attempt to catch him!
the barn
Faune and Sebastian
B-Rad, Winston and Ogie
Ogie and Winston
Lightening, O’Reilly and Snappy in the background
Dustin and Tony
Slinky (Slink in pink!) and Teddy
Lily and MyLight
Lucky with some snow on his muzzle
Levendi also had a snowy muzzle
Homer and Thomas
Tony didn’t let a little snow affect his appetite
Cuff Links
Snow did not keep Elfin and Trigger from wanting to lick the salt
Leo and Apollo
Cloudy was making tracks on the driveway
