We knew this week was going to be busy as we had days booked with both the farrier and the dentist. When you are scheduling appointments for February the saying that comes to mind is “life is like a box of chocolates and you just never know what you are going to get.” Our last couple of farrier days were less than ideal thanks to the charming weather brought to us courtesy of polar vortexes. Those definitely were not days when I was thinking about how awesome it was to work outside.
Yesterday and today were stellar though. In fact the whole week has had glorious weather so far. I don’t know anyone who would complain about mid 70’s and sunny after rounds 1, 2 and 3 of polar vortexes. Both yesterday and today we opted to work outside rather than inside a barn. No one was interested in being under a roof on a warm, sunny mid-70’s day in February. I will admit by the end of the day I was unintentionally doing a spot-on impersonation of Medusa thanks to the wind. It was quite unsettling when I saw myself in a mirror (but thankfully there were not real snakes in my hair) this afternoon and somewhat painful when I brushed my hair, but it was a worthwhile trade-off for not being cold.
Here’s to hoping that I will never, ever hear the term polar vortex again.
No one wanted to work inside when it was 70 degrees and sunny so we worked outside. Miracle having her hooves trimmed.
Jason took this picture of me because I only had one shirt on instead of the usual 4 layers I have been sporting lately. Timbit, Sarky and Griselle are behind me waiting their turn with the farrier.
Timbit wanted to be the center of attention
Moe having his teeth floated
Homer having his teeth done
Chance had his turn with the dentist as well
Calimba and MyLight grooming
Oskar and Largo grooming
Dolly and Silky napping; note Silky’s drooping lower lip
Norman and Cinnamon
foggy morning on the farm
Renny and Dutch waiting for breakfast
Rocky napping in the morning sun
Lighty and Sebastian were having play time