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Christmas Pony

We welcomed a new addition to the family courtesy of Carter this Christmas. Carter had what any two year old would consider the perfect Christmas. In addition to some other toys Carter is now the proud new owner of a red Radio Flyer wagon and a miniature horse that we have named Timbit. I told Jason that in the world of two year olds Carter has nowhere to go but down for awhile.

Although our Canadian friends will understand Timbit’s name very few of our U.S. friends will. Timbit is named for the donut holes at a chain of restaurants called Tim Horton’s. The Timbits come with the slogan “Good things come in small packages.” It seemed like the perfect name for a mini.

Timbit, Jason and Carter

Timbit and Carter introducing themselves

In case you were still not sure of Timbit’s cuteness factor here are a couple more pictures of him:

In other news we have now officially seen the vet on every single holiday. Through the years we had already crossed off Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, the 4th of July, both of our birthdays, and every other holiday you can think of off the list of holidays when we had never seen the vet. The one holdout was Christmas Day. Until this year we had never seen the vet on Christmas, but now we can officially cross the final holiday off the list and say we have seen a vet on every holiday. This Christmas we found ourselves hooking up the trailer and heading off to the clinic. Thankfully the horse in question made a quick recovery from what ailed him and only had to spend 24 hours at the vet clinic.

The next time you might want to complain that your monthly board is too high or that you don’t like the barn’s hours or whatever else it is you are unhappy about please stop and think for a moment. While you are having a leisurely holiday with your friends and family, or maybe out celebrating your birthday, or even attending a funeral, your barn owner/manager/staff, as well as your vet, is on call 24/7/365 regardless of what holiday it is, whose birthday it is, who is sick, who died, etc. Make a point of thanking your horse’s caretakers for being there for your horse regardless of what is happening in their own life.

All in all we had a very busy Christmas day from ponies to wagons and sick horses and vets. I hope everyone had a nice week and the chance to enjoy their friends, family and fur-family!


Carter being pulled along in his wagon (note Jason, Carter and wagon at the front) attracted a lot of attention at first. The response was something similar to when Carter pushed his own stroller. In the world of horses different is always suspect at first. In this picture Flyer, Gus, Lofty and Donneur had lined up along the fence to stare at Carter being pulled in the wagon.

Miracle and Griselle watching Carter being pulled along in his wagon

Lightning and Lucky having a grooming session

Stormy and Walon being goofy . . .

. . . As always when I am spotted everybody strikes the “we were just standing here” pose. Oskar had joined Stormy and Walon at this point.

Merlin offering to help O’Reilly remove his blanket . . .

. . . maybe I need to pull from this side instead

Leo, Trigger and Grand

Wiz, Dutch and Murphy


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