This past weekend was very wet. The skies opened up on Friday night and by Sunday we had accumulated nearly five inches of rain across the area. As a result the ground on Monday was far too wet to accomplish anything productive in the fields although there is plenty of work to do.
What I did to fill my “spare” time between chores on Monday was go equipment shopping. Like a good husband I told Melissa what I was doing before I went, too. Even better, I took Carter with me for a little quality boy time. We were looking for a good quality used 8 to 10 foot (mid sized) bush hog to complement the little one and the large one I already own. I need to back up a step and say that I always have a used equipment inventory in my head and it often remains there for years until I find the right deal. In this case after two years of looking I was surprised to find one that met all my requirements at our very first stop. When the dealer quoted me his best price I knew I had found my machine.
I texted Melissa to tell her of my success and I was quite surprised when I didn’t get a response. (Yes, because you did not say “I am going to go purchase a piece of equipment” when you left. You said “I’m going to go to Ronnie’s and look at equipment.” There is a pretty big difference!! Also, I think I might leave one day and announce “I’m going to go look at horses” and then a couple of hours later send you a text message letting you know that I bought one.) She sure made up for that when I got home though ! Turns out she thought I had bought a fourth bush-hog to complement those we already own. As nice as that might be in certain situations I think I’m going to have to make do with three.
Yes, I was incorrect. We now own 3 bushhogs and not four. I thought we had the massive batwing bushhog, the 10′ bushhog, and the little 4′ bushhog. So I was wondering why we needed an 8′ bushhog to add to the mix. Jason informed me that we had not had the 10′ bushhog for a couple of years, so we only have three, and not four bushhogs now. How silly of me not to keep up with our inventory of bushhogs more accurately. Shame on me!!
Johnny and Sam

Largo and Clayton

Lightening, Thor and Fabrizzio

Traveller, Calimba, Cinnamon and Cuffie

Levendi, Trigger and Moe

Hemi and Thomas

George and Gus were on the run . . .

. . . followed by Lotus and Romeo . . .

. . . with Silver and Faune bringing up the rear
