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Grand Finale


Yesterday we had the grand finale for our dental visits. Since I like to go out with a bang the last two patients of the last day were Timbit and Sparky. I knew Sparky would be good because he’s perfect every year for his annual float. Timbit is another story. With Timbit, life is like a box of chocolates and you never know which one you’re going to get. We started with the last horses that needed to be floated and then moved on to Timbit.

I am happy to say that we had good Timbit yesterday. Everyone knows how Timbit feels about injections.  Some might remember that last year I clicker trained Timbit using toothpicks to simulate the needle stick of an injection. It worked like a charm and the last two rounds of annual vaccinations have gone well. I click away while Timbit stands for injections. I clicked away yesterday while Timbit had his teeth floated and was a star.

After we floated Timbit we moved on to Sparky. Every year Sparky is the last float of the year. Since Sparky thinks barns are not for donkeys we always float him outside. He is unrestrained except for a twitch. He stands like a rockstar and the dentist floats away.

I’m happy to be done with floating teeth for the year, but I know it won’t be long until we start the cycle again in the spring.

the easiest way for the dentist to float Timbit is sitting in a chair


Bonnie watching Timbit have his teeth floated

While we floated the horses and Timbit Sparky wandered around the barn entertaining himself and letting the peanut gallery know they needed to start assembling. That’s Silver behind him.


more of the peanut gallery; Renzo, Lofty, Cocomo, Flyer and Gibson


in the opposite pasture Cino and Remmy decided to pull up a chair and watch


Gus watching Sparky


Romeo and Lotus were also watching


Sparky, as always, stood like a champ and was oblivious to his legions of admiring fans staring at him


Miel, Quigly and Sam


Johnny and Happy; Miel behind them


the Breakfast Club; Apollo, Thomas, Homer and Moe




Charlotte and Traveller


Convey and Revy playing




Merlin, Remmy, Cino, Hesse and Baner


Sushi and Squirrel

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