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Halloween on the Farm


Halloween did not really live up to expectations in middle Tennessee today. We had light rain off and on all day, and this evening that progressed to a steady rain with wind. That all seems to have moved past us now but it wasn’t exactly perfect Halloween weather. The town of Lynnville postponed trick-or-treating until tomorrow night.

The horses were having a grand time in the warm rain today. There was a lot of horseplay happening as the rain apparently made the horses frisky. Jason and I reminisced about dressing up one of the World’s Cutest Fainting goats as batman a couple of years ago. I think Jo has forgiven us for that tragedy in her life, and although she looked really cute we’ve opted not to torture her with another costume since then. Maybe next year . . .


Grand and Trigger enjoying some play time on a rainy day

Merlin and Walden were also having fun

Sam, Renny and Dutch

Rocky, Toledo and Clayton saying “skip the picture and move on to feeding us.”

There are so many captions one could come up with for this picture. Instead of licking the fence or the gate or some other inanimate object like they often do after eating a meal, Apollo and Hemi instead chose to stand there and lick Thomas’ rump.

George and Asterik


The winners of the most playful on a rainy day award were Lotus and Cocomo. They were doing their best impression of wild things. They played and ran . . .

. . . and played some more . . .

. . . until they saw me watching them. “What? We weren’t doing anything, promise. Just standing here.”

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