I told Jason today that maybe the smartest thing we could do would be to buy a gravel pit. I think anyone would consider us addicted to the stuff. Jason will never, ever feel like our driveway has enough gravel on it. I don’t think either of us will ever think that we have enough gravel in our pastures around the gates and in the traffic areas.
We made it six entire weeks since our last day of gravel deliveries until we couldn’t take it anymore. Like junkies in need of a fix we called our gravel guy yesterday and were absolutely gleeful when he said he would start delivering loads first thing this morning. At 8am our first gravel truck of the day rolled in. Sadly we had to stop after four loads. Four loads isn’t nearly enough to satisfy our needs, but we comfort ourselves with the thought that it is four more loads than we had yesterday.
If anyone needs some last minute gift idea for us I’ll be happy to give you the phone number for our gravel guy. We’ll take anything from the big 3 to 4 inch rock down to crusher run. We’re not picky AND we’ll love you forever!
one of several gravel trucks that drove down on our driveway today
the sight of a gravel truck in the pasture . . .
. . . leads to the horses huddled together and on high alert. Safety in numbers and all that.
Johnny staring at the mysterious piles in his pasture
Cinnamon, Maisie and Dolly
From left to right Duesy, Fabrizzio, Remmy, Walden and Hesse. It’s a tough life at Paradigm Farms.
Chance and Leo
Ritchie and Thomas
Rocky and Largo
Silky likes to keep an eye on things when you’re getting food ready
Walon and Kennedy