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Last D-Day


(post by Jason) Tomorrow is our last D-Day (dental day) of 2012 and I say that with a toothsome grin because what we’re hoping to do…and what we will do if all goes as planned….. is finish floating teeth on the farm until late spring next year. I think floating teeth is possibly my least favourite job on the farm. Even while sedated a few of our charges are something less than cooperative and my job is to hold their heads still and steady while the vet does his work. I have fourteen heads to hold tomorrow and experience suggests that by days end my arms will feel like an old used up piece of sisal rope.

In other news we are very thankful that the only thing Hurricane Sandy has brought to Middle Tennessee are clear skies and cool, windy days. The horses have been loving the clear skies, wind and cooler temperatures. They’ve been acting pretty wild and watching them buck, run, snort and jump has brought a smile every morning the past few days. The humans have sometimes felt otherwise as the temperatures have been fairly clement but the steady north wind feels like it’s coming straight out of the arctic in spite of the mild thermometer readings. Still, we’ll take what we’re getting compared to all the folks up in the Northeast and parts of Eastern Canada right now. We hope all our clients and friends are high, dry, safe and warm up there right now.



Noble, Thor, Fabrizzio and Walden on the move

O’Reilly and Lucky having some play time

Baby and Moe were also being playful and charging around the pasture


Rampal and Bergie

I took this picture of Traveller strictly because there was some fall color behind him. In Middle Tennessee we are not exactly known for our fall colors so we show off what little we have.

Norman also had some nice colors behind him

something had Gus and Romeo’s attention

Apollo and Elfin

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