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Pleasant Days


I have to say this has been a really pleasant week on the retirement farm. The weather has been so lovely everyone – horses, donkey, cows, humans, dogs, cats, goats, roosters – has been in an exceptionally pleasant mood. I realized as I was grooming one of the residents the other day that he had not made any ugly faces at me. This particular resident (I won’t name names!) is usually a super grump during grooming, but doesn’t really do anything other than pin his ears, make ugly faces and toss his head. I could not believe I was able to curry and brush him without so much as a snarky face in my direction! Between the sunshine and the exceedingly pleasant temperatures everyone has had a smile on their face.

It looks like we are in for more exceptionally pleasant weather through the weekend and next week. I am certainly not complaining about that! Perfect weather for barn improvement projects. Today the barn was pressure washed in preparation for being repainted tomorrow. After spending what felt like a zillion hours priming and painting run-in sheds last summer you can rest assured that I am not manning either the pressure washer or a paint brush! It is kind of nice to watch someone else do a big job like that and know that you won’t have to do it!

When I was uploading the pictures for this post they kind of depressed me. These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago and I can’t believe the difference in the pastures, not in a good way, in just two weeks. It is amazing how much better our pastures looked just two weeks ago! Every year when February rolls around I look at our pastures and I think they will never come back. Happily they have every year so far!

I hope everyone has a great weekend with beautiful weather and happy horses. Quote of the day: “God forbid that I should go to any Heaven in which there are no horses.”

Sparky and Bonnie hanging out

Traveller having a bath

Hanging out after breakfast; MyLight, Harmony, Cuffie, Lily, Buffy and Missy

Mr. O’Reilly and Chili

Winston, Sebastian, Asterik and Trillion



Slinky enjoying a vigorous roll

Teddy, Snappy and Mr. O’Reilly

Lucky and Slinky

I love this picture of Lily and Cuff Links; with their matching poses it looks like Lily has her own Mini-me

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