This article below was originally posted on the and I found it interesting. You can find the original article by clicking here. I took the liberty of bolding a few sentences that I found particularly interesting. This study was part of ongoing research on the relationship between cribbing and colic.
On the topic of cribbing I find that owners of cribbers generally fall into one of two camps, those that religiously use cribbing collars and those that try to avoid them. I owned a cribber for several years and I definitely fell into the camp of using a collar.
I realize there are lots of arguments against the collars, they cause rubs, they could in theory get the collar caught on something and hurt themselves, etc. My horse would crib nonstop unless he wore a tight collar, but with the collar on he didn’t even try to crib. The few times we tried to take it off he would usually end up acting colicky, so he always wore a collar unless he was being ridden.
Now that I have a retirement farm I have other reasons why I think it is wise to try and stop a horse from cribbing aside from an increased colic risk. One is the wear and tear on their incisors as they age. We have more than one horse that has to come into a stall for a few hours each day to eat a hay cube mash because their incisors are toast after a lifetime of cribbing. Although their owners happily pay the extra costs I’m sure they wouldn’t complain if they didn’t have to pay them. The other is the damage they do to fences, stalls, etc. After spending a small fortune building out a farm I am not willing to watch a cribber damage and destroy the fences and buildings.
The study discussed below is far from finding anything conclusive, but they did gather some interesting data to guide further research:
In the ongoing hunt to explain the relationship between cribbing and colic, researchers have discovered that cribbing causes increased intra-abdominal pressure.
Intra-abdominal pressure—which is any kind of pressure, from exterior or interior sources, in the horse’s abdominal cavity—appears to be elevated in horses that are cribbing, said Amelia S. Munsterman, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS, ACVECC, clinical lecturer at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, in Alabama.
“Our research is one more piece of the puzzle in determining the relationship between cribbing and colic,” Munsterman said. “It is apparent that they are linked, but how this increase in intra-abdominal pressure may affect the outcome of a colic episode in the horse is still under investigation. What we do know now is that the pressure does increase due to cribbing.”
Munsterman and her fellow researchers compared the intra-abdominal pressure of eight horses that crib to eight horses that don’t. They took pressure readings every minute for a two-hour period. All the cribbing horses were encouraged to crib at one point during the study period in order to investigate cribbing’s immediate effect on intra-abdominal pressure.
They found that intra-abdominal pressure was much higher in cribbing horses as soon as they started to crib, compared to horses that don’t crib, Munsterman said. That pressure continued to rise as the horse continued to crib, and it remained at a constant elevated level for at least a half an hour after the horse stopped cribbing. In fact, the cribbers’ intra-abdominal pressure was increased even before a cribbing episode, compared to the non-cribbers, she said; however, that difference was not significant from a scientific point of view. Even so, it could suggest that the intra-abdominal pressure effects of cribbing could linger for hours after a cribbing episode, she said.
The longer the horse cribbed, the more the intra-abdominal pressure increased, Munsterman said. However, the number of separate cribbing episodes did not seem to affect the related pressure.
Intra-abdominal pressure is not to be confused with bloating, although bloating is one source of such pressure, added Munsterman.
Other sources of acute increases in intra-abdominal pressure—including colic or peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum, or membrane lining the abdomen)—can be painful for the horse, she said. However, researchers are still working to understand the long-term effects of elevated intra-abdominal pressure, she said.
“This increase in pressure, called intra-abdominal hypertension, is noted in humans and other species to reduce oxygenation and perfusion of the organs within the abdomen, and it can also alter blood flow to and from the heart, resulting in hypoxia and compromise of other organ systems, including the brain,” Munsterman said. “We are still in the early stage of identifying the negative side effects of increased intra-abdominal pressure in the horse, but we are currently investigating these side effects in our clinical trial here at Auburn.”
The study, “Evaluation of Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Horses That Crib,” will appear in an upcoming issue of Veterinary Surgery.
Donneur and Gibson
Tony and Trigger
Dutch and Renny grazing in the rain
Largo and Oskar hanging out
Fabrizzio, Noble and Merlin
Norman and Cuffie
Johnny and Lighty
Lucky and O’Reilly