A couple of days ago we finished up our second wave of body clipping. We started round two a few weeks ago so we will probably only get a break of 2 or 3 weeks before it is time for round three. Occasionally we have a horse that needs a 4th clip but that’s pretty rare. In round one we did 21 body clips, and in round two we did 11 body clips. 32 body clips and counting for the season adds up to a lot of hair!
Sebastian clearly had things he wanted to do other than have a bath

a very clean Sebastian pre-clip

Sebastian in progress

Sebastian was anxious to return to his pasture after his clip

fuzzy Norman

Norman freshly clipped and ready to return to charming his mares

Cuffie after his clip; clearly we starved him while clipping him as he simply could not lift his head up from the grass

Gus being clipped

Gus after his clip

Bruno keeping an eye on my while I clipped him

Bruno after his clip

Cino in progress

Cino’s very dignified post-clip pose

after being out of his pasture for a couple of hours Cino and friends had to immediately sniff noses and squeal a few times to make sure they still knew each other

Remmy and Merlin being silly

Lotus, Romeo and Cocomo doing some early morning grazing

Homer rolling, Cisco grazing


Baby, Thomas and Cisco

Johnny and Happy

Gus and Asterik

Taylor and Havana

Lighty and Nemo

Hesse and Baner

Donneur, Lofty and Gibson


Mick and Taco

Gus and Roho

Rocky and Toledo
