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Weather Change

We broke out the blankets this morning for the first time this season. We only have blankets on some of the horses and they will be coming right back off in another day, but nonetheless this is not a day I celebrate every year. At this point I think everyone is well aware of my bad attitude towards cold weather. Yesterday the high was 71 degrees with bright sunshine, pretty much a perfect day. Today the high was 44 degrees, and there was supposedly the chance of a light rain/snow mix this morning. Thankfully the precipitation never materialized, at least in our part of the world. However the predicted high winds did come. It was a blustery day with wind gusts that were just perfect for making it next to impossible to get a blanket on a horse.

The other thing I love about blustery, windy days is the way the horses are always so mannerly. It did not at all seem like we had a farm full of horses that just got off of a year of stall rest today. Nope, not at all. At feedings times they were not doing their best impressions of Wild Things, they just stood there like they didn’t have a care in the world. And yes, of course I am being extremely sarcastic!

Tomorrow is supposed to only bring a high in the mid 40’s again, but thankfully this miserable weather system will be moving on and we are supposed to be back in the 60’s and sunny after tomorrow. Of course we have a farrier day tomorrow, impeccably timed to happen right on one of our two most miserable weather days this fall. For all of you in middle Tennessee saying “thank goodness, tomorrow is supposed to be bad enough from the weather, at least the farrier isn’t coming tomorrow,” you can thank us for taking one for the team this time!


Jason hanging out with Sparky, Griselle and Miracle

Grand and Elfin

Toledo and Kennedy were having a big time

Walon seemed to be looking at me saying “does this blanket make my butt look big?”

Trigger offered to help Baby get out of his blanket. “I can help you pull this thing off, no problem.”

The sunset on Monday was pretty. It started out with some orange . . .

. . . and progressed to lots of orange . . .

. . . and ended with pink.

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