A lot of Jason’s friends have asked “how is Melissa handling the snow?” I’ll admit I’ve done my share (more than my share) of complaining. However the horses have been having a ball and it has been fun watching them. At least someone is enjoying the snow! It seems every time I turn around I’m watching horses make horsie snow angels, playing, frolicing and generally having a grand time.
I had ordered a couple of solar heated water troughs several weeks ago for the one pasture that does not have electricity, and thus the trough does not have a heater in it. For the nights below freezing I fill up my Aquatainers with hot water. Then I load the Aquatainers in the trusty Kubota utility vehicle so I can top the trough off at night with 30 gallons of hot water to make sure it stays open all night. I do this at about 10pm just before I go to bed. As you can imagine this is a huge pain and I complain about this loudly (and Jason has yet to offer to take on this task).
I had forgotten about my solar troughs as they had been on back order, but today I got the call that they will be delivered in the next few days. YAY. I said to Jason now that we had officially paid for them the need for them would end (which is just fine with me). As predicted they will arrive just in time for us to return to more normal weather and no need for hot water, trough heaters and the like. I consider it money well spent!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy the videos and pictures!
MyLight and Maisie were frisky in the snow (and you can see Cuffie trying to lure Alex into playing with him over the fence). At one point MyLight bucked so hard one of her surcingles came undone. She was so hyper I had to wait until she had calmed down to re-do it. She wouldn’t let me near her!
Fuzzy Punch and Justin were playing also. That is Murphy who comes along at the end.
Chimano and Asterik were also being playful
Stormy and Johnny were looking at each other with pricked ears and mischievous expressions . . .

. . . and a moment later they were playing

Rampal and Tiny
Dutch and Wiz (they both look so happy in this picture) were trotting through the field . . .
. . . and then cantering
Toledo and Rocky peeking out from the shed (yay! a shed actually in use!!)
Rampal, Johnny and Gus were all hanging out by the fence
Traveller enjoying some hay
Grnad, Hemi, Thomas and Apollo
Elfin, Tony and Homer
Apollo, Thomas and Hemi
Trigger had the shed all to himself
