I don’t know how many blankets I removed this morning, and I don’t think I want to know! The horses have worn their blankets a lot more this winter than they usually do. However today was in the 50’s and tomorrow is supposed to be just over 60 so it was feeling a lot more like middle Tennessee around here today.
The horses and I established a routine pretty quickly as I went around the farm pulling off blankets. Everyone had gotten the memo: when the farm slave pulls off my blanket I immediately go and roll in the dirt. Both of these parts were key, not just the rolling part, but the in the dirt part as well. Not one horse walked away from the gate areas where it is dirt to the acres of grass in their pasture. Without exception they rolled in the dirt, and we immediately had a farm full of dustballs walking around. Clearly they were thrilled to be free of their blankets and celebrated their freedom with rejuvenating rolls in the dirt.
Sparky rolled as well, but I honestly think he was a little bit sad when I took off his blanket. He really loved having that blanket on! I’m still surprised by that, I was so sure he would object to having it put on and would set about trying to remove it immediately. And of course Poco was ready and waiting to play a key role in the removal process.
I hope everyone found something to celebrate today just as the horses did. Although hopefully you didn’t celebrate by rolling in the dirt! That said I’m pretty sure I looked like I had done just that by the time I was finished handling all of those blankets. My new cart worked hard today with multiple loads of blankets strapped down, I was definitely the Paradigm Farms trucker today! Tomorrow will be a typical Friday and a busy day on the farm as Gwen the amazing farrier will be spending the day with us.
Chance enjoying a refreshing roll in the dirt
And of course the big shake afterward
Levendi always does an extended roll; he flops from side to side so many times you wonder if the end is ever coming!
Levendi finally finishing up
Homer with Apollo watching in the background
Apollo going down; when you are 18.1 hands tall it is a long way down!
Apollo rolling while Ivan admires his technique in the background
I switched Tony from his blanket to his sheet. Tony has no coat at all so he won’t be naked until tomorrow. He still joined in the celebratory events though.
One load of blankets strapped down and ready to roll
Poco the pony wanting to know why he didn’t have a blanket to be removed (he still celebrated blanket freedom day with a nice roll). Because you remove them and shred them Poco, remember?
