As the leaves begin to change on the trees each year I associate that with two things. First is the obvious one, the changing of the seasons as summer heads into fall. The second is that the mellow creme pumpkins that are only on the shelves in the weeks leading up to Halloween will no longer be available. We all have our weaknesses in life, and the candy corn, or mellow creme, pumpkins are definitely one of mine.
The leaves have begun to start changing in earnest over the past week. Unlike the northern states fall is a drawn out affair, as is spring. We have no real “peak season” for our leaves as the leaves change colors over too long of a time frame. We definitely get some pretty colors and fall scenes, but they don’t compare to what you can see in the northern states. When Jason and I lived in Vermont I still fondly remember hacking down the dirt road we lived on while riding my mare Bridget. The street was tree lined on both sides and it was absolutely stunning to ride through the canopy of vibrant colors as the leaves changed colors in spectacular fashion. I also remember, a little less fondly, almost falling off my horse on a different ride down that street when a moose walked in front of us, but that is a whole ‘nother story.
When the candy corn pumpkins hit the stores it is all I can do to refrain from buying every bag on the shelf. The stuff is like crack to me and I’m not sure why, it is candy corn in pumpkin form. But I don’t ever buy candy corn. The pumpkins I am referring to are not the invention of recent years, the “pumpkin spice” flavored mellow creme pumpkins. Ironically enough I don’t actually like the taste of real pumpkin. You will never see me drinking a pumpkin flavored coffee (or any coffee for that matter) or have to worry about me stealing a piece of your pumpkin pie. My love is for the candy corn flavored pumpkins, the original candy pumpkins, the real candy pumpkins.
Although the weather is still acting summery, it isn’t summer any more. I know at some point I will have to face the reality that summer is really and truly over for another year. Halloween is now behind us for another season, the leaves are really changing, and it isn’t candy pumpkin time anymore either. I will give myself a small pat on the back here and say that I only bought two three bags of pumpkins this year.
Goodbye summer, and goodbye mellow creme pumpkins. I will miss you both.
Fabrizzio, Merlin and Walden
there was a tiny bit of sun through the morning fog behind Cuffie
When I took this picture of Cocomo and Donneur I didn’t realize Donneur was smiling for the camera . . .
Flyer and Romeo
Bruno and Remmy
Sparky and Griselle
B-Rad and Alex
Lightning and Lucky