I thought I would share some pictures of our latest construction ventures. Honestly I’m not sure why since the pictures of our construction projects often look the same – fence, fence and more fence. No doubt you are waiting with eager anticipation to see even more fence pictures. If the suspense is killing you just scroll down a bit and skip my rambling to see the latest and greatest fence pictures.
You will recall that we had to do some bulldozer work to make it easier for this round of fencing to be built. You might also recall that I almost

more fence
even more fence
I’ll stop with this picture as I think you get the idea of what the fence looks like (as if you didn’t already know)
Noble, Lightening and O’Reilly
Lily hanging out in the shade
Bonnie on the move

she was followed by Norman, Sky and Cinnamon; love Sky’s vertical tail

I had to zoom in on Norman. Does it get any cuter than this?

Apollo, Leo, Levendi, Ivan and Hemi
Homer, Grand and Elfin
Hoffy and Tony