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Don’t Stop Believin’


Much to our chagrin Jason and I are still experiencing the same theme week we have had since Monday. Yet again we saw a vet today. Since Monday we have seen the vet five times. Since today is Thursday you are probably saying “wait a minute, they are saying they’ve seen the vet five times in four days?” Yes, yes indeed we have. We saw the vet twice on Monday, once on Tuesday, once on Wednesday and one more time today. In fact, like on Monday, we made a trip to the vet clinic today. It feels as if we are stuck in our personal remake of Groundhog Day.

As we were driving home from the clinic we whined for awhile about how many times we had seen the vet, why couldn’t we just get a break, blah blah. After we had exhausted all of our topics to complain about we drove along in silence. Jason had turned the radio on and Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey happened to be on.

As I silently sang along in my head it reminded me of a time when my dad was driving me home from a horse show and things had distinctly not gone my away (in other words I fell off). When you are 14 these things seem especially tragic. In an effort to cheer me up my dad began belting out the lyrics to Don’t Stop Believin’. My dad was a terrible singer and listening to him sing along to Journey at the top of his lungs and doing a really terrible job at it did, indeed, make me laugh that day.

Inspired by the memory of my dad I spontaneously began singing along to the radio and belted out some of the lyrics at the top of my lungs.

Some will win, some will lose

Some were born to sing the blues

Oh, the movie never ends

It goes on and on, and on, and on


Don’t stop believin’

Hold on to the feelin’

Jason wasn’t very appreciative of my vocal efforts and instead of laughing and singing along with me he clung tenaciously to his grumpiness. “I never really liked that song” was his response to my spontaneous karaoke. Well bah, humbug to you Jason.

The dominant feature of today was not enjoying yet another opportunity to watch the practice of veterinary medicine, nor even listening to me sing, but instead watching it rain and rain and rain. From about 1am until about 9am it rained. Sometimes it was a steady rain, sometimes it was a deluge. By the time it finally stopped we’d had almost seven inches of rain at the farm. Then it rained again for awhile this afternoon.

One of our pastures had a brand new water feature in it for awhile. It was gone by this afternoon but for a few hours the horses enjoyed a brand new pond in their pasture. They loved it. They would walk back and forth through it, sometimes they would trot through it (trotting was better for splashing), they would stand in it and paw, and generally they had a grand time. I think they were disappointed that their brand new water feature was so short lived.

According to our forecast we might be the recipients of a bunch more rain tomorrow. If that is the case maybe that pasture will temporarily have a water feature again and the horses can have their fun back for awhile. You never know, so I hope they don’t stop believin’.


Donovan splashing in the temporary water feature in his pasture

Toledo, Johnny, Stormy and Rocky exploring their new water feature

Donneur and Donovan; although Donneur is a dark bay if you look closely he is actually mud colored in this picture

Thomas and Hemi

Tony and Trigger

Faune and Flyer ignoring me as I called them for breakfast

Lucky and Duesy

Griselle and Miracle

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