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Farm Smells


One of my favourite odors is the cool, complex wine-like smell of freshly worked earth in the spring time, just before lilac time, which itself is another one of my favourite scents. Unfortunately, lilac is a scent that is hard to reproduce this far south. There are a very few lilacs planted into the landscape in some yards. They are noticeable when they bloom in late March or early April, but unless one is fortunate enough to be present at bloom time, one misses the show and the scent.

I have noticed that horse barns (and horses) have distinct odors associated with them. I like the smell of Melissa’s tack room, which is probably good as it helps me overcome some of the shock when she tells me how much the new bridle(s), leather halter(s), bit(s), saddle(s) etc. cost. Oddly, I also kind of like the smell of horse manure. The aroma is different from (and not nearly as sharp) as cattle manure, which I also like. Melissa tells me she likes the smell of her horses and she also tells me that they all smell different. (Melissa adding that I also really like the smell when you open a new bale of hay, the wonderful earthy smell right after it stops raining, and I really like the smell of most horse feeds. I genuinely enjoy starting off my day each day scooping out horse feed, I joke that the smell is like crack to me. My city friends really think I am nuts!).

I think my all time favourite smell is that of an old time farm shop. I sat for hours in ours when I was a child and I find myself drawn to sitting in mine even now, doubly so if there is a radio tuned to an oldies country station. (Melissa again – I really dislike old country music!) The odor inside is a combination of machine oil, shaved steel, grease, ozone, and other metallic and oily substances which over time become ingrained into the floor itself. In back of all these scents is the odor of the farm and the creatures that inhabit it which changes with the season.

What are your favourite odors ? What memories do you associate with favourite smells ?



B-Rad and Faune

Grand, Leo and Levendi

Tony (Grand and Baby in the background)

Snappy, Spike and O’Reilly

Grand, Chance, Hemi and Elfin

Clay and O’Reilly



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