Like everyone else I am tired of hearing about our impending fiscal cliff. I am also sick to death of listening to all of our politicians, from the President all the way through every member of Congress, pointing fingers at each other and claiming the sequester is the other guy’s fault. Personally I think we need some term limits for Congress and no special healthcare and retirement plans for them either. Sorry guys, you gotta live under the laws you pass just like the rest of us.
What does this have to do with horses? I told Jason a few weeks ago that after hearing the term fiscal cliff for the billionth time it struck me that Fiscal Cliff was the perfect name for a horse. My dad always said buying me my first pony was the worst financial decision of his life. I am sure I am the typical horse person that decides not to download a song from iTunes for $0.99 because I don’t need to spend the money, yet I thought nothing of buying a couple of new pairs of breeches and new half chaps recently. I would never spend $150-$200 every six weeks on shoes for myself but will do that for the horse. There is no logic in any of this. Yep, Fiscal Cliff is an extremely appropriate name.
In that spirit I had to share this picture that has been floating around on Facebook. Pardon the bad language but it is SO perfect:

Faune and Silver having an early morning play session

Romeo, Asterik and Lotus trotting across the pasture . . .

…. they caught up with Winston, Silver, George and Gus (you can see Gus’ ears at the very back!)…

… then they all fell into single file

Norman and Cuff Links were having a grooming session

Darby and Alex

Miracle, Sparky, Sky and Griselle


Toledo, Largo and Bergie hanging out after a rainy night

Oskar was happy it rained, he clearly found the perfect place to roll and get himself thoroughly coated in mud

Wiz and Sam napping in the shed
