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  • hoffywhf

Floating Away

I don’t know how much rain fell over middle Tennessee Tuesday through Wednesday morning but it was quite a bit. Jason said we set a rainfall record for this time of year and I believe it. The horses have a lot of mud to work with needless to say, and they are thrilled about that! Why do they love the mud so much?

What I want to know is why couldn’t we have gotten all of this rain in October and early November when we really needed it? When the grass would still have had a lot of new growth from the rain? I’m starting to sound whiny so I’ll wrap this post up by including some pictures. These pictures are all from early and mid October.

Elfin with Chance in the background

Chance with a mouthful of grass



Elfin, Ivan, Leo

Asterik, Poco, Sparky

Trillion, Sebastian and a chicken


Bella, Bonnie and Jason

Sparky and Jason

Homer crossed his front legs and fell asleep waiting for his turn with the farrier


Jason and Asterik

Asterik with one of the goats

Sparky and Faune

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