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Friday Pictures and Not Much to Report


For the most part it has been a very pleasant week around the farm. I say for the most part as I have had to deal with blankets this week for the first time. I will admit that I don’t like chasing horses down in a pasture to put on a rain sheet or a blanket (after dragging the blankets to the pasture of course), and then doing it again a day or so later to take them back off. As long as the weather cooperates I try to do most of the blanketing and unblanketing at meal times when they are standing still and occupied with eating.

Aside from our first official round of blanketing and unblanketing this week (actually it was rain sheets) things have been very quiet and routine on the farm. Tomorrow brings another visit from the amazing farrier Gwen. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Last minute addition to this post: Jason was just grousing at me because something was rattling around in the dryer. I told him I would look in a minute when I finished this post. That did not suit his time frame so he investigated and found horse treats rattling around in there. Ooops – guess I forgot to take them out of my pocket!

I have also placed several links in the photo captions. The links are in red and you can click on them to read a more complete story of the horse in question.

Tony trotting through the pasture. Tony is a Dutch Warmblood and at one point in his career he was one of the top Amateur Owner hunters in the country. He then stepped down to the 3′ division for a few years.

Dustin is a son of the famous Olympic show jumping stallion Starman. Dustin is a retired jumper as well.

Homer, Ivan,

Sebastian grazing in the very front, with Winston and Trillion behind him. Ogie and

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