I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, and takes some time to reflect on all of the things we have to be thankful for. I know I am very blessed to spend my time caring for all of the wonderful horses retired with us, and thank everyone in my life who has helped me to reach this point. Jason and I first need to thank my parents for their amazing support. Without their support and belief in what we wanted to we would not be where we are today. I am blessed to have the most wonderful parents in the world and I don’t thank them often enough for simply being them and being there for me.
I also need to thank the team of people that supports all of our activities here on the farm. Gwen, our wonderful farrier that I have posted about many times. She cares about each one of the horses on the farm and is always so kind and patient with them. Dr. Bob McCullough and Dr. Nathaniel Wright of

Trillion and Ogie
Sebastian coming for breakfast with Faune behind him
Trillion and Sebastian
Faune drooling after a nice drink of water
Teddy and Harmony
Trillion and Faune