The weekend could not have had a better start. We greeted a new arrival on Friday evening! he arrived at about 8:15 pm from California. He made the trip from the West Coast to enjoy a first class retirement with us. Since I don’t have time to type out a proper introduction with this post I will leave you with a starter picture below.
Our latest arrival to join us for retirement
Saturday was another beautiful day, low 70’s and sunny. I had a nice ride on Lexi, Jason played with Mina and Jo outside and my dad busied himself mowing the grass up and down the loooong driveway. I must admit I don’t understand why he mows since he pays a lawn service but I guess he has his reasons.
I was feeding the horses dinner on Saturday afternoon enjoying the day when I heard a rumble of thunder in the distance. Our weather report kept saying we were supposed to have thunderstorms all day on Saturday but it thankfully didn’t work out that way. It did start to sprinkle as I made my way over to the last horses to feed them dinner. While they were taking their time eating it turned into a steady but fairly light rain for about fifteen minutes. I looked up to the sky and saw the most beautiful rainbow over the farm. It was awesome with vibrant colors and the full arch. I had left my camera in the feed shed so I couldn’t take a picture right away. By the time I got a picture the rain was gone and the rainbow was also almost gone.
I wish I could have taken this picture about ten minutes earlier. The rainbow was fading away rapidly by the time I got back to where my camera was.
I was a little soggy as I walked back to the house after being caught out in the rain while waiting for the last of the horses to finish eating. I didn’t really care about getting wet since I knew I was heading straight inside to take a shower anyway. So instead of
The horses couldn’t resist playing in the water
Amazingly all of this water was gone in a few hours; you can’t even tell today that we had these “rivers” and “ponds”
