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Let It Snow . . . Barely


Yesterday was yet another failure in the world of weather forecasting here in middle Tennessee. As you can imagine Jason and I obsessively check the weather forecast about 27 times per day. When you work outside it is nice to have an idea of what Mother Nature might have in store so you can attempt to dress appropriately.

Not a lot seemed to be accurate about yesterday’s forecast, especially as snow flurries started falling from the sky. It was about 6:30am and all of a sudden it was snowing. I had been working for over an hour already at that point and had checked the weather first thing when I got up. Nothing in our forecast had changed and there was zero, zip, nada I mean NO mention of the word snow.

Snow is big news in the south. Big. Really Big. If it is supposed to snow at all, even a dusting, heck not even a dusting, much ado about nothing is made. The grocery stores are cleaned out, the schools close and no one goes to work. But you have to have advance notice so you can rush to the grocery store, close the schools, etc. Not to mention that we didn’t have the opportunity to be declared in a State of Emergency. I even checked TEMA’s website and we remained at a status of Level V, normal.

In some ways middle Tennessee did step up to the plate. Our vet and one of our farriers both had scheduled visits to the farm early yesterday morning. They both reported seeing cars in ditches, upside down, etc. When Jason took Carter to his little pre-school he also saw a car upside down in a ditch. The schools did announce at about 6am that they would be opening two hours late. So there was a tiny shred of normalcy in regards to our snow but not much.

The flurries lasted off and on for maybe an hour, and we had probably five minutes where it was more than flurries and it was actually snowing. Then it stopped, and by mid morning all evidence of our snow was long gone and you would never know it happened. And through all of it I am positive you could have easily purchased milk, bread and eggs at any grocery store which is mind blowing.

Thus with zero fanfare, panicking or normal hysteria we had our first snow of the winter yesterday.


This was the peak of our snow coverage right after it stopped snowing

It is a miracle we were able to drive up and down our driveway. Look at all of that deep snow.

Walden, Fabrizzio and Merlin walking in our blizzard conditions that lasted for at least five minutes. Note they are walking away from their shed.

Lucky and Merlin

Rip and Grand were unimpressed by the snow and anxious for breakfast

Thomas and Ritchie . . .

. . . and this season of blanket destruction continues as Thomas grabs Ritchie’s blanket

You can’t really see it in this picture but Walon is grabbing Rubrico’s blanket

Rubrico and Donovan playing . . .

. . . and Rubrico decided to grab Donovan’s blanket. Thank goodness for Rambos.

Silky and Norman grooming. Norman must be putting feelers out for a new girlfriend.

Lofty, Flyer and Gibson

Gibson and Faune

Sebastian enjoying the brief appearance that the sun made

Sparky, Griselle and Timbit

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