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Making it Rain

Like good farmers Jason and I continue to obsess over our weather forecast and offer sacrifices to Mother Nature in order to entice her to send rain our way. Jason is particularly obsessed with checking the weather forecast, checking the radar, and scanning the skies. We’ve also done all the usual things to get it to rain. We’ve cut hay and had it down on the ground when there was a chance of rain. We washed the car. We left the windows down in the truck. You know, the usual sacrifices one makes when you are desperate for it to rain.

We finally got a small reward for our efforts with a half inch of rain last night. That isn’t nearly enough, but at least the dust on our driveway has been temporarily put back in its place. It was nice to drive up and down the driveway today without being trailed by a cloud of dust. The last few summers our precipitation was precariously close to perfect. It rained in the right amounts at the right time. I guess we’re paying our dues this year and Mother Nature is making us sweat a little, both figuratively and literally.


Gus and Silver



Hemi and Tony

Lofty and Asterik

George and Gus

Happy, Murphy, Mick and Sam were going somewhere in a hurry

Taco, Sebastian and Johnny


Miel and Sam

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