Merry Christmas from The Webbs at Paradigm Farms. We are a bit late in saying Happy Hanukkah but I will say it anyway along with enjoy the Winter Solstice, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays, or whatever seasonal greeting works best for you. If you aren’t into celebrating then we’ll go with have a wonderful day.
We’re ready for Santa; the cats (including Oscar), Ewen, Sparky the donkey, Timbit, the World’s Cutest Fainting Goats and my horse Bonnie also have their stockings ready to go.

On this fine Christmas Eve Jason plugged in our outside lights and part of our 2nd strand was dark. What can I say, it’s us. Only normal people have lights that go up with no drama and work the entire season. We don’t qualify as normal. At all.

For comparison’s sake this is what they looked like last year (complete with one strand of icicle lights giving us the finger)

This is no joke. Jason was even wearing shorts today, along with most of middle Tennessee

We did some splashing in the spring that originates in the cave on our farm on Christmas Eve

Joy and Jingle already have their Christmas present even though they don’t deserve it after wrecking our tree. In other news, our 2nd tree of the season is still standing thanks to being wired to hooks mounted in studs in two different locations.

I predict Carter is up at about 4am tomorrow morning, so I am off to finish preparations and go to bed.