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More Clipping


About a week ago I started round two of body clipping. When I include Sparky the donkey in the body clipping totals we body clipped 16 horses/donkey in the first round. I started round two of body clipping with Cino and Renatta a little over a week ago. Today, thanks again to Kate’s help, Bruno and Lightning were up for round two. Bruno was a perfect gentleman for Kate.

Lightning, as always, twitched, wiggled, pooped and peed his way through his clipping job for me. Lightning always urinates at least once when getting body clipped. It’s his thing, he’s done it religiously for years, I will admit I’m not a fan of this ritual. I even stopped him when the stream began today and put him in a stall where he kindly urinated. Thinking I had finally won the pee battle I put him back in the cross ties to carry on with clipping. Lightning then made a point of letting me know I’m not as smart as I would like to think by promptly urinated again in the barn aisle. I won one of the battles but I still lost the war. Sigh.

Lightning definitely wins the hair award for round two. To be fair he was the very first clip I did this year so he’s had the most time to regrow his hair. I have my eye on two more horses for round two of clipping this year, so that means 6 out of the original 16 are being clipped again. I wouldn’t be surprised if I find myself doing 2 or 3 final body clips in late August or September. One that I anticipate clipping at that point isn’t participating in this round, and another one I think will be up for their 3rd clip of the season. We’re good at removing hair.


Bruno and Kate made a pretty picture

Bruno in progress

Lightning won the hair contest on this 2nd round of body clipping; out of the 4 that have been re-clipped he had grown back the most hair. He was also the very first horse I clipped so he’s had the most time to regrow hair.

Lightning after his 2nd clip today; for 32 years young I think he looks fabulous

Lighty, Mick, Murphy and Happy


Donneur and Gibson

Chance and Cisco

Walon, Oskar, Johnny and Donovan

Duesy and Baner

Taco and Nemo

Sparky and Timbit

Walden and Fabrizzio

Johnny and Miel

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