Another run-in shed was completed today. The final touch was adding the cupola and that was done today. My cupolas on everything drive Jason crazy, he sees them as nothing but more work and added expense. I don’t really care though, I’m rather partial to them!
Other than that things have been pretty routine the last couple of days. Although now that I think about it starting and finishing construction projects are a pretty routine part of our lives these days. I always read that one of the hardest tests for a marriage is building a house. Let me tell you, building one house would seem like a cakewalk at this point. We’re still facing more barns, run-ins and thousands of feet of fences, water lines, electrical lines, etc. I guess this means Jason and I have a pretty strong marriage, or maybe we’re just crazy. I could argue it either way!
The new run-in is the one in front of the barn. This picture was taken yesterday before the cupola was added today.
Just for comparison here are two pictures that show what the view above used to look like. These pictures were taken in early April of this year.

Adding the cupola to the run-in this morning

Wiz was feeling frisky
Murphy showing off his trot
Dutch was showing off as well
Mina and The Don hanging out in the flower bed behind the barn
Jo and Bubba were also in the flower bed. This is the only flower bed that doesn’t have goat proof fencing around it. Note that almost nothing is left growing in it.
Tiny and Rampal grazing
Lucky, Teddy, and O’Reilly
Sebastian, Winston and Gus
Romeo and Sebastian
Noble and Lightening
Faune hanging out while Chimano napped hard nearby
