We have been very busy over the past week. After having to say some sad goodbyes over the summer, we have gotten to say some hellos over the last week. Ricardo, Renny (not to be confused with our other resident Remmy, both chestnuts and in the same pasture!), Maggie and Missy. Ricardo, Maggie and Missy’s people have all been long time clients at Paradigm Farms so we were thrilled to meet new residents from them. Renny’s mom probably knows many of our clients so his connections to Paradigm Farms are strong as well.
Everyone arrived at civilized hours on shiny rigs so that was a bonus. Jason often refers to horse shippers as vampires because they love to show up at our farm at about 3am. Between 2am and 3am has to be the most common arrival time we have with commercial shippers. I understand that they don’t want to drive the horses in the heat of the day during the summer months, and at any time of year like to avoid as much traffic as possible by driving at night. But the 3am arrival times do take a bit of the fun out of things so it was extra special to have reasonable arrival times over the past week.
Welcome to Ricardo, Renny, Maggie and Missy!
Missy’s arrival. I’m pointing to Missy on the back of the trailer and telling Jason, “that’s Missy!”
Maggie’s first look at Paradigm Farms
Renny’s arrival at Paradigm Farms
Ricardo (left) and Renny; Ricardo’s mom says he is sticking his tongue out saying, “haha, I’m retired and you’re not!”
Ricardo and Chance
Art making Renny feel welcome by grooming with him
Missy is pretty enthralled with the grass
Havana and Fabrizzio grooming
Renatta and Cinnamon
Cuff Links and Dawn
Convey and Chance
Magic, Squirrel and Sushi
Rubrico and Toledo
Donneur, George and Lofty
Maisie, Renatta and Calimba
Nemo and Taco
Blu, B-Rad and Taco
Johnny and Happy
Romeo and Lotus grooming
Elfin, Grand and Rip
Baby and Levendi
Revy and Homer
Moe and Baby
Silver, Gus, Cocomo and Asterik
Mick and Miel
Sam and Miel grooming