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  • hoffywhf

One Word Description

One word is sufficient to describe this day: rain. Sometimes the rain came down softly, sometimes it poured, but it rained and rained and rained. There were some occasional breaks but they were brief. The horses were all rain proofed in either their sheets or blankets and happily grazed in the rain. I never saw a single horse in the shed as I went about my day today. Of course when we have a nice day of 65 and sun in a week or so the sheds will be occupied. Go figure.

I don’t think Mina and Jo, world’s cutest fainting goats, ever left the barn today. Like most goats they cannot stand to be wet. Many times I saw them looking out the barn doors with forlorn expressions. Tomorrow should be a better day for them, and for that matter for me as well. The rain is clearing out as I type and this makes me very happy. Tomorrow is a farrier day and it will be more pleasant to traipse all over the farm leading horses in and out when it is not raining.

Hope everyone else is having more pleasant weather! The red links in the picture captions will take you to a blog post that goes into a lot more detail about the specific horse.

Grazing as the sun was setting



Traveller and Bridget

Bonnie, Sky and Sparky just hanging out

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