I don’t have time to write much of a post tonight. My house is still in desperate need of cleaning despite my repeated wishes that I walk in the door to a clean house. I could also whine complain mention that my repeated wishes for rain at the farm have been completely ignored. On the other hand our new farm (which isn’t very far away!) sees a nice, steady rain once a week. The Big Boys have no idea how good they have it right now. Half the time you can hardly see them because the grass is so tall. If the other horses knew of the big disparity in grazing conditions they would all be signing a petition to move and arguing about who got to load on the trailer first. We now have hay out in a couple of the pastures here as the grass is struggling since it hasn’t rained in weeks.
My only conclusion is that this lack of rainfall here is something personal against me. So whatever I have done to offend you Mother Nature I offer my most sincere apologies. I will ask again that you send the rain clouds that insist on missing this farm by a couple of miles into position directly over us. If you could get on that sooner rather than later I (and my allergies) would be even more appreciative. However I suspect I am still on the bad list and my pleas will be ignored.
Hemi and Chance snoozing
Grand and Leo
Levendi, Hoffy and Elfin
Trigger and Hoffy
Chance and Thomas
Apollo and Ivan sharing a meal
Elfin and Leo
MyLight and Missy
Asterik, Faune and Sebastian
My Dad and Cloudy hanging out
Snappy rolling
Wiz and Dutch
Boo and Bella the dog
Alex, B-Rad and Ogie cruising through the pasture . . .
. . . and then trying to decide where to go next
Murphy, Dutch and Wiz eating together