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Some of the pictures I have taken of the various equines around the farm in the last couple of weeks. I don’t think our residents could ask for a better retirement home.

Grazing on a beautiful day

Sparky loves to roll, or maybe it is more accurate to say he lives to roll

Two bays, Elfin in the front with Apollo behind him

This one wasn’t taken at the farm. Me on Bonnie playing in the water jump at a cross country course. On our way home we had a trailer accident thanks to some idiot slamming on their brakes to do a u-turn on a narrow, two lane road with no shoulder on a blind curve going down hill!!! It is probably best they left their scene of mass destruction as I would have had to hurt them if I knew where to find them. They would also be paying my vet bills. So this is a lovely photo reminder of the last ride I had on Bonnie and probably will have for awhile, and unfortunately Lexi was in the trailer as well. Life isn’t fair sometimes. Hopefully they will both be fully recovered sooner rather than later.

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