After a mostly bearable winter (you have to admit I didn’t complain much) spring has certainly been kind of a hit or miss situation here the last few weeks. Spring appears to be spending much of its time on the run this year. Mother Nature teases us with a few beautiful days, then we are tormented with days like today where it is raining and the high was in the low 50s. Personally I find very little – ok actually nothing – pleasant about working outside on days like today. I envy the horses their ability to happily stand out in the rain grazing, eating hay, or just hanging out, apparently perfectly ok with being soaking wet. Maybe if I enjoyed rolling around in the mud I might view this weather differently? Maybe I should give it a try . . . if nothing else it would be fun to watch Jason’s reaction as I flopped from side to side in the mud.
In the typical fashion of these last few weeks our weather is supposed to return to glorious, mid 70s and sunny, by Saturday. Even tomorrow is not looking awful, 65 but cloudy in the morning and not sunny until the afternoon. It is kind of odd that Jason and I have both done our fair share of whining about the weather lately, usually by this time of the year we have moved on to complaining about something else. I guess we are making up for lost time since we were not up to our usual standards in regards to weather complaints this winter.
I hope everyone has a weekend full of beautiful weather coming their way!
Kennedy and Oskar
Lotus and Gus (Faune hiding in the background)
Silver and Asterik
Thor and Snappy
Kennedy, Toledo and Tiny
Dutch, Wiz and Johnny
Lighty and Renny