This is a story that is meant to be shared. CTV Ottawa news had a story about a gentleman in Perth, Ontario who began riding at age 80 and is still riding at age 101. Below is a short synopsis from the CTV Ottawa site of what is on the video. Click here to go to the original source and to see the video. I just loved watching the video, especially at the end where his new young horse is introduced. I love his attitude and the fact that he clearly intends to keep riding for a long time!
Published Friday, Jun. 22, 2012 6:17PM EDT
Bill Monovan has spent more than 20 years of his life riding horses at a pasture in Perth.
He spent his first 80-some years having little experience riding them.
Monovan was born in October 1910 and lived through the Halifax Explosion in 1917.
Almost every day, he drives to the pasture about 45 minutes west of Ottawa to ride his horse Max.
“I lost my wife Marian ten years ago,” he said. “If not for horses I’d be in an old-folk’s home.”
Monovan competes in a very technical discipline called Western riding and said he does it without aches and pains.
“When you’re in the saddle on the horse, you’re halfway to heaven,” he said. ‘It has been my life . . . without it I would be dead.”
With a report from CTV Ottawa’s Terry Marcotte
All of us horse people already know the healing power of horses but I love it when non-horse people have the opportunity to be exposed to the power of horses. I truly believe this man when he says without horses he would either be dead or in an old-folk’s home. What a guy, I would love to have the opportunity to meet him one day. I also hope to follow in his footsteps and still be riding when I am 101.
Snappy, Lucky and Lightening waiting for breakfast
Renny, Johnny and Sebastian
Maisie and Lily
Traveller and Cuff Links
Darby, Alex and B-Rad
Wiz and Dutch grooming
Silky and Norman
Johnny and Tiny