Walden, Merlin and Fabrizzio leading the charge in for mealtime . . .
. . .Merlin, Walden, Fabrizzio and Hesse . . .
Baner, Hese, Remmy and Duesy, Alfie by the tree, and Taylor running (hiding) behind him
Sabrina and Sparky
Merlin and Duesy
B-Rad, Blu, Happy and Nemo
Chance and Elfin
Taco and Nemo
Sebastian and Blu
pretty sunrise
Convey and Apollo
Grand seemed pleased to have his picture taken, Rip not so much; “I said no pictures at this time”
Ripley, Walon and Wilson leading the way . . .
. . . Walon, Wilson, Magic and Johnny . . .
. . . Walon, Sushi, Wilson, Magic and Johnny . . .
. . . Squirrel, Rubrico and Toledo . . .
. . . Rubrico and Toledo