Things have not gone according to plan at all in the last two days. It started yesterday with a truck that didn’t really want to start. It finally did start, however all of the electronic displays on the dash were blinking on and off indicating a lack of power. We unloaded the ton of feed that was in the bed of the truck and it thankfully managed to limp its way to the repair shop before giving up the ghost in the parking lot. Given that the truck is a fairly new, low mileage diesel we were less than thrilled to be replacing the alternator but such is life.
We were all three in the car and on the way to pick up the truck this afternoon when a car decided to pull out of a parking lot, apparently skip the step about looking in each direction before you pull out, drive all the way across the road to another parking lot, and slam into us. Of course they were accelerating when they hit us. Thankfully the three of us were unhurt, as were the two teenagers in the other car. On the other hand our car is probably destined for the giant graveyard in the sky. It has a lot of damage.
The good news in this scenario: we were only a block away from where we needed to be to pick up our truck. As we waited for the police to arrive Jason sprinted the block down the street to pick up our truck so we at least had a vehicle with a car seat in order to drive home.
There wasn’t a lot amusing about the whole thing, but I did have a few chuckles as Jason started removing everything from our car and transferring it to the truck. Jason does not travel light in his vehicles. It drives me insane as I cannot stand clutter but it was kind of funny watching Jason excavate the interior of the car and the trunk. A partial list of what Jason removed from the car included:
– a couple of of Carhartt coats (by the way our weather has been glorious this week, no coats required!)
– three sweatshirts
– a set of wrenches
– a box cutter knife for cutting strings on hay bales
– his rain coat
– his muck boots
– an unloaded .30-.30 rifle
To say that we looked like redneck central while Jason excavated the car would be an understatement. As I watched the transfer I had the thought that Jason just needed to pull up with a Bobcat and start scooping his crap out of the car. An hour later the accident report was done, our smashed up car was being towed away, and we headed home in the truck. Jason and I have both downed some Advil as the aches and pains are starting to set in, but we are managing to see some of the humor in the situation. That being said, I do hope that the black cloud following me around moves on really soon. I won’t miss it, promise.
Elfin and Thomas napping in old hay with Homer hanging out

Murphy and Africa

George, Asterik and Romeo


Johnny and Tiny

Lucky and O’Reilly

this picture of Cuffie and Norman almost looks like spring

Kennedy, Oskar and Bergie with Tiny hiding behind Oskar
