We had another lovely weekend this weekend. The weather was wonderful all weekend. Friday the temperatures were in the high 60’s and Saturday and Sunday brought us temperatures in the low to mid 70’s. My only complaint was that it was bit windy on Sunday but really there wasn’t much to complain about. The horses were all loving the weather as were the chickens, goats, dogs and basically every animal on the farm.
We spent a lot of time with
Jo and Mina on the run
Daddy standing over Jo and Mina being protective
Jo investigating the tree stump
Jo again
Mina was “in the house!”
Playing on the tree stump
Bear is still insanely jealous of Jo and Mina. He was always close by this weekend. Here he is sitting in the alley between two pastures while I was feeding horses.

Bear on the move this weekend

Tony smiling for the camera; he loved the weather this weekend
Homer; Homer was groomed by Amy on Friday and he is shedding like mad
Dustin smiling over the fence; Dustin was also groomed over the weekend. He never had much of a winter coat at all so shedding him out will be easy.
