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Welcome Asterik


Asterik is our newest retiree to join us on the farm. He made the trip down from Long Island a few weeks ago. Asterik is a Holsteiner by the famous show jumping stallion Cathargo. Asterik is dearly loved by his owner who is understandably devastated at having to retire this talented horse at the young age of thirteen. Asterik stepped on a nail at a horse show and it went through his foot. After exhausting all resources for Asterik as far as diagnostics, testing and rehabilitation his mom came to the hard decision to retire him. She told me he would probably be sound enough for flat work for awhile, but his future was too uncertain for her to be comfortable enough to sell him to a non-jumping home. So she made the decision to retire him and we are the lucky ones who have been chosen to host Asterik in retirement.

Asterik was a wonderful horse and showed (and won) in both the hunters and the jumpers. In addition to having the scope for the jumper ring, he had the movement, stylish jump and soft way of going for the hunter ring. He also has a big personality and loves to play and interact with horses, humans, and anything else that happens to be in his path. Welcome Asterik, we are thrilled to have you with us!

Asterik easily cleared this fence with mom; you can tell he isn’t even trying

Asterik’s first day with us; he loves to strike a pose for the camera

Trying to introduce himself to Cloudy

Playing with a stick

Having fun

Trying to follow all of the chickens around

Asterik especially loved the goats; he thought they were awesome

When the goats would go in their house Asterik would stand there with his head in the door and watch them

Asterik with Sebastian, one of his new roomies

Trillion, Asterik and Sebastian were intently focused on something

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